This blog started out as something that I wanted to completely devote to one of my hobbies, and even though I am particularly proud of my capability in that hobby I am even more intrigued with discussion. Interaction with others over different ideas is something that I love reading and talking about. So here I go trying to expand the theme of this blog.
Recently I have engaged some of my family and friends on some controversial subjects and many of those times I have been the voice of the opposition. Sometimes my contrarian views have been well received and debated; and other times my blatant opposition has been ridiculed. In a few of these occasions my thoughts and rebuttals were completely deleted and censored by the people that started the conversation. I feel that the censorship of ideas is offensive and cowardly.
I believe that a healthy discussion can be had with many oppositional viewpoints. In fact, I think that the best discussions will have more than one view represented. I think that debate can make the debater smarter. By stating what you believe and why you believe it, you strengthen your logical reasoning skills. The act of reasoning (thinking logically) through your beliefs can also found those beliefs on something strong than “that’s just how I feel”. A sad problem with debate is that people take it personally. I personally can recognize the difference between an argument and a person and that’s why debate/discussion is fun to me. Some people cannot make that distinction and that is why people take offense to any sort of opposition to their ideas.
It doesn’t bother me at all when others tell me that they disagree, or that they think I am wrong. So long as they are able to back up their thoughts with some logic and evidence. I actually welcome anyone to show me how I am wrong in any one thing. If someone can disprove my views then that makes my understanding of truth better. Pointing out flaws in my logic is a service to me, so that I can think and speak like an educated individual. If I refuse to be persuaded by real evidence and good presentation of that evidence then I am just holding onto a dogma for emotional reasons. A wise friend once said: “I am open minded to anything that can provide evidence. But I have no tolerance for crappy ideas under the guise of ‘open mindedness’ and ‘tolerance’. All ideas need to compete in the marketplace of ideas and there is no special deference for [any particular claim]”
I am a firm believer that people should be respected. Love, understanding, respect, and equality should be given to an individual. I am also a firm believer that people's ideas, beliefs, ideals, and worldviews should be critically observed, weighed, and discussed. No idea is above criticism because every idea may be presented. I welcome any and all ideas into my discussions. Nothing is off limits. But not all opinions/beliefs are created equal. Someone’s opinion on the existence of unicorns and dragons is not the same as someone’s belief in the medical properties of penicillin. (Of course this would be different if someone could present some evidence to support the existence of unicorns and dragons). When discussing honest ideas and beliefs no contrary belief should be dismissed simply because it is a contrary belief. Please feel free to disagree with what I say, but please disagree with it on a foundation of logic and evidence.
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